Matters needing attention in CNC machining process design

1CNC machining should be rough first and then refined

The so-called roughing first and then finishing principle mainly refers to first increase the machining speed by roughing, and then increase the effective use of the margin by means of finishing. Specifically, rough titanium machining should be carried out in advance before finishing to further reduce the machining allowance and the number of moving tools, which fundamentally promotes the greatly improved work efficiency. After the roughing is completed, the finishing should be carried out after a period of time. The reason is that the related parts after roughing will have slight deformation to different degrees. After a period of recovery, the parts will be restored to the original state to the maximum extent. Since the uniformity of the margin after roughing can not be effectively used in the whole process of finishing, semi-finishing is generally implemented to ensure the full use of the margin. In short, in the work of machining parts, the relevant staff should strictly adhere to the principle of roughing and finishing to effectively ensure the accuracy and smoothness of the product.

2 CNC machining should be positioned once

If CNC machining staff want to promote the continuous improvement of production efficiency, they should make the parts complete as many procedures as possible under the same conditions, and achieve the concentration of procedures to reduce the appearance of errors. Precise positioning can ensure that the surface position of the workpiece is more specific. In this case, the staff should organically combine multiple processes and then use a unified standard for positioning. Therefore, the actual staff of CNC machining must use it as a reference level to scientifically arrange the beginning and end of the process, so as to lay a good foundation for the development of the process and speed up the titanium machining speed. In addition, CNC machining designers should also formulate reasonable standards in advance and make unified arrangements.

3CNC machining should be close first and then far

The principle of proximity can play a very crucial role in CNC machining. Normally, the position relatively close to the tool point should be processed first, while the far position needs post-machining, which greatly reduces the actual distance of the tool movement. It can be seen that the machining position and the distance from the tool position are very important. From the perspective of milling and turning, the principle of near first and farther away can effectively improve cutting conditions and help increase product rigidity. In short, CNC machining should adhere to the principle of proximity and the principle of machining the inner surface first in the selection of design options to continuously improve machining efficiency.

4CNC machining other matters needing attention

In the entire process of CNC machining, the relevant staff should also strictly follow the relevant principle of least calling of tools, least procedures and least calling of accessories, etc. Based on the strict implementation of the above principles, production efficiency can be greatly improved. However, there are still many special circumstances during the entire production period. When special circumstances occur, these principles are often inappropriate to apply. The actual titanium machining personnel must be required to proceed from the actual situation to rationalize the problem. For example: In the process of assembling parts, it is difficult to complete all parts machining at one time due to the loss of parts. In this case, continuous improvement should be made in the subsequent steps. In addition, the design plan should also adhere to the counterproductive principle, requiring the machine tool staff to work out a scientific treatment plan based on the actual situation and must not stick to the rules.