In the operation of reducing titanium screws, the reactant TiCl4 (at the same time addition method and sodium) is slowly added into the reactor. Therefore, the reaction rate of the reactants reflects the concentration of the reactants at any time, and the reaction rate is controlled, and the reaction temperature and reaction pressure will be changed.
For the pre-sodium addition process, it has characteristics similar to the magnesium reduction process. Practice shows that under the appropriate reaction temperature and within a certain range of feed rate, the chemical reaction rate is proportional to the feed rate of TiC14. The greater the feed rate of titanium tetrachloride, the greater the reaction rate, and vice versa. However, increasing the speed of Jiake is not only limited by the reaction temperature and reaction pressure, but also related to the rate of sodium diffusion and diffusion in the melt. When the TiCl4 addition rate exceeds a certain amount, the reaction rate cannot be increased due to the limitation of the sodium diffusion rate, and the addition rate can only maintain this maximum value. Especially in the late stage of the reaction of making titanium screws, the resistance of sodium floating and diffusion increases, and the corresponding reaction speed decreases. Therefore, the feed rate of TiCl4 is also related to the reaction period, and a suitable feed system is often formulated in practice.
For the simultaneous feed method, the reaction rate is related to the feed rate of TiCl4 and sodium. Generally speaking, at a better operating temperature, the reaction rate depends on the lower of the feed rates. For example, when the feed ratio Na:TiCl4>4 (grams), the reaction speed depends on the addition speed of TiCl4, and the products are NaCl and titanium screws; when Na:TiCl4<4 (mole), the reaction speed depends on The feeding rate of sodium is NaCI, TiCl3, TiCl3 and titanium. The process is more complicated at this time.